About DASE

Dolar Academy for Skills & Entrepreneurship Pvt. Ltd.,

We here at Dolar Academy for Skill Entrepreneurship, a subsidiary of Dolar Group, offer our hospitality services to the manufacturing of culinary and confectionery equipment. Our ultimate goal is the change the Baking industry through our latest techniques and modern methodology.

We provide diploma courses for those looking to make a career out of the Baking Industry and short courses to enhance baking skills; In addition to that we also provide necessary baking equipment. Both, our equipment and techniques are tailor-made to meet the needs of our customers.

Dolar Group Bakery Training Centre is the best consultancy for confectionary assistance. As a foremost objective, we provide better techniques and also accessories. In our consultancy, we offer premium service of commissioning of a plan to the one who is looking for assistance in setting up of a confectionary or starting home-based baking services.

Start a confectionary or modernize an already existing one? Come to Dolar Group’s consultancy for perfect help. Through our consultancy service we assist in choosing the finest modern baking equipment, how to create spectacular interiors and provide help in selecting apt urbane furnishing products to the confectionaries. Our consultants are well specialized and help bakers with excellent ideas. From the assistance given by our group, you can start a well-recognized confectionary of your own!